
You are a kitty dressed in magical garb, who has awakened  in a strange meadow with no memory of how you got there. You must gather materials, farm mushrooms, and brew potions to regain your memory. (And, maybe, seek revenge.)

Made in two weeks for the Pirate Jam 15 (07/17/2024-07/31/2024). The jam's theme was "shadows and alchemy".


Movement - WASD
Sprint - Shift
Pick up/use - E
Inventory - I
Hotbar - Number keys 1-9
Using items - Left mouse button
Drag & drop items - Mouse


Evelyn - Sound Design, Music, and Logo Design (SoupyTheCat on all socials)
falsesalsa - Playtesting, QA
Lyra - Art, Programming, and Producer (LyraDesignsGames or WildeHuntGames)

Game Design Document Link


AlchemiKitty Game Design Doc
Windows Build (Download) 41 MB


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I really enjoyed the vibes of this one, I feel like it has great potential to become a full release!


What a super satisfying chill game. I've never seen farming mixed with alchemy like this before. It feels like an untapped market.

So to start the art was really simple but cute and nice. I wish there was some sort of animation but it didn't stop me from enjoying the game.

The music was really chill and I think fit the game really nicely. The SFX were satisfying and even the weird noise of collecting ingredients I kinda love?

The farming felt super fun and was SOOO quick and easy to actually just farm stuff. I was so surprised when the little mark showed up on the inventory then it was like WOW it's like a little Minecraft crafting system. Super satisfying. 

The ending was funny and I do hope you work on it more as I'd love to see a whole game about a cat wizard/alchemist who is also an awesome farmer/crafter and licks lots of butter.


As a matter of fact I do have a mild adoration of cats! Very cute game with great soundtrack, cozy feel and, most importantly, a cat :) 


Yay! So glad you enjoyed the music <3


Hooray, cats! I'm happy to hear that you liked it; I think it's funny that our games are almost exact opposites aesthetically/thematically speaking, and I'm glad that we both enjoy each other's work :D